Cream Wolf Game

Cream Wolf is an online game which can be played for free on the Adult Swim website at, and while not the most brilliant game ever devised (in my opinion, at least) it is good enough that it will probably be able to keep your attention for a little while, at least until you start to have some idea how the game actually works! But in brief: you play a werewolf ice cream man - an original premise, certainly!

That lack

Cream Wolf Game 2

Cream Wolf Gameof detailed information about Cream Wolf’s rules is entirely deliberate - the site says that you will have to play it for yourself to work out what is going on - but don’t be too concerned about that, as it is not particularly hard to pick up the basics even on your first try. There is a helpful tutorial (which you can skip if you want to) that assists newcomers with getting to grips with the game.Cream

The gameplay in Cream Wolf consists of 3 different parts. The first part consists of the player driving around the neighborhood during the day in an ice cream van while playing music to attract little kids, collecting ice cream cones, and avoiding anyone else in. Information: The gameplay in Cream Wolf consists of 3 different parts. The first part consists of the player driving around the neighborhood during the day in an ice cream van while playing music to attract little kids, collecting ice cream cones, and avoiding anyone else in vehicles that are suspicious of your motives. The most delicious game with no sugar added. Stack ice cream cones and add sprinkles in this fun matching game. Gather the most. Pop out mermaids by wild wolf. Start to dart dinos by scratch. Scratch toys and games.

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News Article

Cream Wolf Game Online


Cream Wolf – New Adult Swim Game

Words by Dr. Knife

Photos by

I woke up and did what I normally do, look at Facebook and drink water. I found that Adult Swim, the late night adult themed cartoon creator, had created a new flash game for their website.

This new game is titled “Cream Wolf”. It is an epic journey of feeding kids fattening ice cream. So that when you turn into a werewolf at night, the kids are tastier to eat. The concept intrigued me so much that I had to start a game.

Cream wolf game play

Cream Wolf Game Pc

The goals are as follows:
1) Get kids to be “loyal customers” to your truck.
2) Fatten the kids up by “accurately” serving them ice cream.
3) Avoid the dangers of car crashes.
4) Eat the kids at night.

Cream Wolf Game

I never made it to the eating kids part because I found that the game moved to slowly. Also, I do not have the time or patience to look at NES graphics and listen to MIDI music for longer than 5 minutes. If the ice cream truck in the game moved faster it would not be as painful to play.

Cream Wolf Game Play

Overall the concept of this game is totally wicked awesome. I wish I had more time and patience to waste on this wonderful title.

February 19, 2010 at 1:48 pm

game is bit funky… i love it mostly for the artwork above

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