Softquack Exe To Apk File Converter Free Download

Simply install the file and use it just like an android application. Similarly you can convert any exe file to apk extension. Advantages of EXE to APK converter. As the name suggests the tool converts the exe files to apk files. The exe to apk converter itself has many advantages if you do not have a pc and use the android device for most of. APK isn't a type of.exe APK is a packaged installer that puts executable.jar files on your device and an.exe is a low level compiled file.Actually many exes are zip files themselves. But you are right that APK!=exe. The contents are very different. But something to convert from Scratch to Android apk could be developed.

  1. Softquack Exe To Apk File Converter Free Download Online
  2. Softquack Exe To Apk File Converter Free Download Windows 10

Convert executable files from your computer to PNG documents and vice versa by turning to this lightweight application that features a simple interface

Nowadays, security has become a huge concern, especially for people who work with computers and those who process sensitive information.

Fortunately, many attempts to jeopardize one's security can be prevented through various manners, one of them is turning to specialized software, such as EXE to Image Converter.

  1. Conversion of EXE to APK. Converting executable files as Android package. EXE to APK converters. This conversion is often searched by users that try to somehow transfer their Windows programs (.exe) to a variant usable on Android devices, that is.apk files that contain Android apps.
  2. Droidexer v1.8 – Exe to Apk File Converter. Get this Droidexer to convert your exe files to android file (apk) and run and open it on your android devices.You can only convert 100 MB per file limit.

Please be aware that this program requires you to have Java Runtime Environment installed on your computer so that it can run as intended.

No installation required

Since it is a portable utility, this tool does not require any setup. Instead, you just need to decompress the contents of the archive it comes packed in and launch the executable component.

More so, it does not modify any of your Windows registry entries, nor does it create any additional folders or files on your computer without your permission.

ConverterSoftquack exe to apk file converter free download windows 10Softquack Exe To Apk File Converter Free Download

Plain user interface

EXE to Image Converter comes with a minimalistic, visually unappealing user interface that features highly simplistic functions. Therefore, plenty of users can benefit from its capabilities without significant efforts.

However, its lack of any form of help documentation can be disconcerting to some users, who might find it difficult to understand the program's purpose.

Converts EXE to PNG and vice versa

This application can be used to turn EXE files from your computer into PNG documents with minimum difficulty. In order to accomplish this, you only need to provide the utility with a corresponding input file, specify a suitable destination path and select a color profile by clicking the radio buttons, according to your needs.

Reversing the conversion process can be accomplished in a similar manner by importing the processed image within the app, defining an output location and hitting the Convert button. Unfortunately, the application only provides you with support for PNG documents.

Protect your EXE files by converting them into PNGs

All things considered, EXE to Image Converter is a simple application that can help you turn EXE files into image documents with minimum difficulty. It features a plain user interface, comes with easy-to-understand controls and requires no additional configuration on your side. However, you should be aware that although its name suggests it otherwise, this application can only convert your items to PNGs.

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EXE to Image Converter

Softquack Exe To Apk File Converter Free Download Online

was reviewed by Vlad Constantinescu
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EXE to Image Converter 1.1

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Softquack Exe To Apk File Converter Free Download Windows 10

runs on:
Windows 10 32/64 bit
Windows 8 32/64 bit
Windows 7 32/64 bit
Windows Vista 32/64 bit
file size:
12 KB
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