Make A Dichotomous Key Generator

Construction and Use of Dichotomous Keys

Generator• Biological keys are sets of statements that act as clues leading to the identification of an organism.
  1. How to make a dichotomous key using microsoft word. How to make a dichotomous key using microsoft word.
  2. What is a dichotomous key?. A biological device (tool) which enables one to identify an organism by progressively opting between two alternative observable characteristics Necessity of using a dichotomous key. used to identify organisms quickly and accurately. by following the statements in the key we are able to identify each organism on the basis of a characteristic which is not to.

• By following the keys we can be able to place an organism in its group.
• The most common key is the dichotomous key.

Dichotomous keys is a diagram used in classification of organism. Dichotomous keys are often used in field guides to help users accurately identify a plant or animal. VP Online Diagrams comes with a rich set of diagram templates. You may start with a blank diagram or a pre-made Dichotomous keys template.

• This is a biological tool for identification of unknown organisms.
• The word dichotomous means branching into two.
• A single characteristic is considered at a time.
• Two contrasting statements are put forward to describe the characteristics in such a way as to separate the organisms.
• This continues until all the organisms have been identified.
Rules Used to Construct a Dichotomous KeyDichotomous
• Use morphological characteristics as far as possible e.g. type of leaf - simple or compound.
• Select a single characteristic at a time and identify it by number. 1. Type of leaf. .
• Use identical forms of words for two contrasting statements e.g.:
a) Flowers scented.
b) Flowers not scented.
• Start with a major characteristic that divide the organisms into two large groups then proceed to lesser variations that would separate the organisms further into smaller groups.
• Use positive statements especially the first one.
• Avoid generalizations e.g. short plants. Be specific in your description e.g.:
a) Plants above 1m tall. Key
b) Plants below 1m tall.
Some Common Features Used for Identification
In Plants
1. Type of leaf Leaf
Compound leaves.
• Simple leaf
• Trifoliate
• Pinnate Make
• Type ofleaf margin.
Type of venation.
• Type ofleaf arrangement on stem.
• The colour of leaf.
• The texture ofleaf; whether hairy or smooth.
• Shape of the leaf e.g. palmate.
• Type of stem - woody or herbaceous.

Dichotomous Key Maker

• Shape of stem - cylindrical or rectangular.
• Texture of stem smooth or spiny.
• Are flowers terminal or lateral
• For each flower:
• Is the flower regular or irregular?

Online Dichotomous Key

• Number of floral parts for each whorl.
• Are floral parts free or fused?
• Type of root system- Taproot or fibrous?
• Function of the root.Make A Dichotomous Key Generator
In Animals
Features used to identify animals:
• Type of mouthparts.
• Type of skeleton.
• Presence or absence of antennae.
• Body segmentation.
• Body covering: scales, fur, hair or feathers.
• Number of body parts.
• Locomotory structures: legs, wings and fins.
• Presence or absence of vertebral column.

Dichotomous Key Template Free

• Presence and type of eves.