X11vnc Vs Tigervnc

TigerVNC is a free, open source, high-performance, platform-neutral VNC. X0tigervncserver is a TigerVNC Server which makes any X display remotely accessible via VNC, TigerVNC or compatible viewers. Unlike Xvnc(1), it does not create a virtual display. Instead, it just shares an existing X server (typically, that one connected to the physical screen).

  1. Tigervnc Client Windows

Translation(s): English - Español - Português Brasileiro


VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is, in essence, a remote display system which allows you to view a computing `desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures.

It is implemented in a client/server model. This package provides a client for XWindow, with this you can connect to a vncserver somewhere in the network and display its content in a window. There are vncserver available for X and for Win95/NT.


The difference between the xtightvncviewer and the normal vncviewer is the data encoding, optimized for low bandwidth connections. If the client does not support jpeg or zlib encoding it can use the default one. Later versions of xvncviewer (> 3.3.3r2) support a new automatic encoding that should be equally good as the tightvnc encoding.

High CPU usage in X when VNC client is connected

X11vnc vs tigervnc x

Various causes between X versions and display driver may cause this issue. Below solutions attempt to fix:

Add parameters in x11vnc command line

If you are using x11vnc, you may try different parameters, one at a time, to see if it fix the issue

Create / Specify display driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf

X11vnc vs tigervnc 2020

This will force X to use the VESA display driver, which is slow for local display but works great for remote connection.

VNC 'Server side'

  • conspy - Remote control of Linux virtual consoles

  • gnome-rdp - remote desktop client for GNOME

  • krfb - Desktop Sharing for KDE

  • tightvncserver - virtual network computing server software

  • vino - VNC server for GNOME

  • vnc4server - Virtual network computing server software

  • x11vnc - VNC server to allow remote access to an existing X session

  • tigervnc-xorg-extension - 'TigerVNC is a high-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC' (see also tigervnc-scraping-server and tigervnc-standalone-server)

VNC 'Client side'

  • directvnc - VNC client using the framebuffer as display

  • gvncviewer - VNC viewer using gtk-vnc

  • krdc - Remote Desktop Connection for KDE

  • python-gtk-vnc - A VNC viewer widget for GTK+ (python binding)

  • ssvnc - Enhanced TightVNC viewer with SSL/SSH tunnel helper

  • tightvnc-java - TightVNC java applet and command line program

  • tkvnc - Displays a list of (defined) machines to start VNC to

  • tsclient - front-end for viewing of remote desktops in GNOME

  • vinagre - remote desktop client for the GNOME Desktop

  • vnc-java - VNC java applet and command line program

  • xrdp - Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server

  • xtightvncviewer - virtual network computing client software for X

  • xvnc4viewer - Virtual network computing client software for X

  • tigervnc-viewer - 'TigerVNC is a high-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC'

  • remmina-plugin-vnc - the VNC plugin for Remmina

VNC Tools

  • pyvnc2swf - screen recording tool to SWF movie

  • vncsnapshot - A utility that takes JPEG snapshots from VNC servers

  • x2vnc - A dual-screen hack - link an MS-Windows and X display

Tigervnc Client Windows
